Monday, April 27, 2009

"Episode 1.17"

"So ergo, you were not actually there."
No time for rewatch and analysis this week, family crisis still pending. I didn't care too much for this ep anyway.

That's gotta hurt. How do the special effects guys do that?!

"A bleak horizon approaches." I hope that we see some of that horizon before the end of this season, I so want to see if/how TPTB will portray inter-dimensional-multiverse travel. Will the show end like that one episode of Ren and Stimpy where they were in outer space and they imploded the universe?

Poor "Olive The Other Specimen". How is it that Olivia has no recollection of her early internment at all? And what will happen when she does remember? Stay tuned for the next Rocky and Bullwinkle show, same time, same channel.


Bigmouth said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this show has BALLS! That last shot of the WTC was mindblowing!

Capcom said...

It sure was, I can't wait to collect a bunch of screencaps from it for a post!