Monday, April 27, 2009

"Episode 1.17"

"So ergo, you were not actually there."
No time for rewatch and analysis this week, family crisis still pending. I didn't care too much for this ep anyway.

That's gotta hurt. How do the special effects guys do that?!

"A bleak horizon approaches." I hope that we see some of that horizon before the end of this season, I so want to see if/how TPTB will portray inter-dimensional-multiverse travel. Will the show end like that one episode of Ren and Stimpy where they were in outer space and they imploded the universe?

Poor "Olive The Other Specimen". How is it that Olivia has no recollection of her early internment at all? And what will happen when she does remember? Stay tuned for the next Rocky and Bullwinkle show, same time, same channel.

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Episode 1.16"

"Just put a sign warning me not to confuse your toxic playthings with breakfast."
Oh well, I was sick this week and an ongoing family element reared its head, so I didn't get a chance to rewatch and fully analyze this ep sufficiently yet. I really enjoyed this one, and it felt like the scary old X-Files monster days, if I may compare it that way once again. There was monster tension, monster mythology, and it's all good to me. Although, the woods of Upstate New York don't seem quite as scary as the foggy ferny forests of Vancouver where The Files was mostly filmed.

Charlie gets some good story time this week, albeit via being victimized by this week's Bugged Eyed Monster. I'm glad that TPTB didn't kill him off, although he's still a bit stiff I like Charlie better as time passes. And it adds some realism that at least one of the team has taken a hit in all this craziness, they were beginning to look like The Untouchables otherwise.

Who ya gonna call? Fringe Busters! Or the Mod Squad, heheh. Pretty cool.

Every paranormal event causes Walter to confront more and more of his past work and this week he comes literally face to face with some of it. I really liked how TPTB has Walter desiring to be increasingly taking more responsibility in making amends for his past work, the more he discovers and remembers what exactly it was that he was doing. But as he remembers more of it, will he also lose the innocence his insanity has given him and regain the desire to resume his ethically questionable pursuits? I wonder. John Noble is doing such an incredible job of portraying Walter's conflicting intellect, thoughts, personality, and fortitude! His range of talents are fully capable of covering Walter's range of personal complexity (also deserving of kudos to the writers!), it's really amazing to watch.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Episode 1.15"

"If that's the problem, then there's no problem!"
Well, no time to cogitate this episode as good as it was, with Easter and another fantastic Lost episode to talk about. Suffice it to say that we get a glimpse of a younger (or older devolved?) Observer-being, who was found in an abandoned warehouse tunnel. Did this little one traverse the dimension as alluded to by the last episode? Or was he dropped here to add to the ranks of other Observers that are watching the travelers from other dimensions arrive at ours? At any rate, this gives Olivia a link to them, to add to Walter's and Peter's past link. I'm surprised that Walter didn't think of his previous encounter with one before (that he told Peter about) with them both having that "follicular dilemma". Or at least it should have reminded him of some kind of food as usual, like maybe a vanilla ice-cream cone.

We also get another squeamish serial killer subplot, which I won't even mention except to say, "Don't get in the van you idiot, didn't you ever see 'Silence Of The Lambs'?!" Stupid broad. It cracked me up that she was Becky #1 from 'Roseanne', as well as one construction worker being the friend from 'King Of Queens', and the other being the funny marine from 'Major Dad'.

Walter and Olivia both turn on their empathetic babysitting powers in the lab, and we see that the child has a mental link with Olivia. I find it as difficult to believe that the CIA won't find out where they hid him, as I had believing that Scully could hide her boy from the aliens via adoption. We'll see how that goes. Did I miss anything important?