I hear ya Walter, the story of my life. Anyway I'm way too little and too late here because of the Lost premier(s), but I'll throw out a thought for this ep just the same. Good episode, but I guess that this one kind of left me flat for some reason. I'd like to see more details and fewer random monsters about now, but I accept that the monster-du-jour is Fringe's M.O.
Olivia's escape happened too easily for me, but maybe that will work itself out in future eps. Dunham, and we, were given more confusion about who is on what side, and whether or not she's working for or against whomever is trying to do the right thing (whatever that might be). I was happy that Loeb wasn't killed off because he is a great character, and somehow I believe what he told Dunham in the interrogation room about how they were trying to save her. There was no love lost for his hard edged wife for me though, who seemed as spiky to me as the slugs. I hope that Nina can pull a few strings to get the moron from Olivia's past out of her way, you just don't need those kind of jerks around in the workplace -- but they are always there nonetheless.
Heheh, of course the CDC professor had a freshman hottie on the side, don't they all? Sheesh. It was neat that Charlie asked Pete to break the law for him, but the phone tapping seemed kind of lame for some reason. And that's about all I've got for this one. Except to say that the common cold germ doesn't look like a spiky slug (see Walter's notebook screencap on FringeTelevision for a better explanation of the organism), they look like this, and you can buy one at http://www.giantmicrobes.com/:
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