This post is too little too late because I sprained my right wrist badly last Tuesday, and wasn't able to do much. I'm "mousing" with my left hand which is very awkward (kind of like rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time), so I've kept my interweb activities to the important things, like blogging on the Lost blogs! Heheh.
Gosh, Walter really broke my heart in this episode. John Noble is such an incredible actor, I just wanted to jump into the screen and hug Walter! In the scenes where he was going back to the asylum, and when he was in it, you could really sense Walter's apprehensions and fears. Maybe it's just because when I was a kid some old movies that I had watched made me afraid that someone would commit me and I'd never get out again (maybe it was that movie The Snakepit that clinched it for me), but to me those were some of the most moving scenes in the series so far. We also witness Walter having visions of himself in the asylum. I wonder if he's had those before (and we just don't know it yet) or if it's happening to him only since he was put back behind the padded walls. It was kind of like Walter's sane self was watching over him, and was there to make sure that Walter didn't lose it again. Sort of like, "Stay with me Walter, don't go back there." I hope that we find out what that was all about soon.
The science was interesting this week, something about making solids penetrable, and the similarities between math and music. Any musicians out there who can give some insight on that subject?
We are finally shown blatant applications of the GGGRs (green, green, green, red lights) that have shown up as easteregg clues since the beginning (see FringeTelevision for details). We now know that it can be used somehow for hypnoses among other things. Dunham was amazingly void again this week, haha, and when she was standing near the hotel (or whatever it was) talking on the phone I was screaming, "Red castle! Red castle!" to her on the TV. :-)
Hope you feel better soon Capcom.
As for the episode I liked it though I don't understand what happened to the apple. I also hope they won't pursue the guy trying to lock Walter back up. It's too predictable and the hmmm bereaucrat vs homeland security, who would possibly win?
Sorry to hear about your wrist, but, at least you've got your priorities straight (posting at TLC)! LOL
I enjoyed this episode and totally agree that Walter's character is being done so well. I hope we see what eventually threw him over the edge, and John Noble is doing such a great job showing us his tortured mind.
WV: Caker! LOL
LOL Maven!
Thanks ladies! It's going to be fun trying to peel sweet potatoes with one hand in a few days. :-p I bought some cans of organic pureed yams just in case I can't.
Yes, this was a good ep. I believe that the apple thing was showing that the equation plugged into whatever the equipment was, rendered the wall of the safe penetrable so that he could put his hand thru the safe and pull out the apple. How it works theoretically, I have no idea, but it probably was some kind of sonic wave thing that disrupted molecules, and it looked like it was vibrating the safe. The set-up didn't look like much though, a few clips wired to the apparatus, covered by some weird kind of stretchy cloth. ?????
Being the lab safety nut that I am tho, I would have used some large tongs to grab that apple rather than putting my own arm thru!
Well, it sure doesn't seem like they're following a lot of scientific/medical protocol here!
If you scrub them really good - you can cut your sweet potatoes in half and boil them with the skins on and then the skins slip right off with a gentle squeeze.
You need to save that wrist for typing after all. ;)
I liked this one too. I need to get some of those red and green lights. . . that could come in really handy.
LOL Lost2010, yes, I could have used some of those lights when I worked at IBM!
For sure, boiling does make things a lot easier. But I do like the smell and taste when you roast them in the oven. It makes a kind of nutty flavor. But I did leave the skins on like you said, and I'll scoop the goop out after they're done roasting.
Have a good Turkey Day everyone! I'll get a post up about the new ep soon, I really liked it.
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