"The cure made her a perfect candidate for weaponization"Well, this episode opened with a very long (uninteresting, sorry) intro that was punctuated by lots of ketchup. It happens in Mass., so I have a question: if someone is "experimenting on the whole world", why do these weird things always happen in or around Boston? Just askin'. Mulder and Scully got to traipse across the US (even though we knew that they were really still in Vancouver, heheh).The story we get this week hit close to home for me, after being through the whole chemotherapy experience -- I can vividly relate to the fear of watching someone pumping gallons of bizarre toxic unpronounceable chemicals into your veins. And here we see one of the Lost taglines ("The cure is worse than the disease") getting an even more serious treatment. Apparently someone is infusing the "cure" with a substance that sets the patient up for becoming a walking weapon. Interesting. But of course experiments do have their failures before perfection is attained, and these failures are tres gory!
Another question that I need to ask is, how is it that our intrepid para-science team can bring highly contagious corpses back to their ad hoc basement lab with no precautions? I mean, I know that they are set up for the bizarre, but why are the exploded bodies contagious in the diner but not the lab? And I'm beginning to wonder if TPTB are trying to out-gore CSI in the post-mortem department. The gorey details don't bother me that much, knowing that they're fake, but it's becoming laughable to me.
I love the new sneaky Pete. He is drawing on his grungy mysterious espionage persona and meeting with Nina to make deals to get info for the team. As he is not in law enforcement, he can take risks that Olivia can't, which makes things interesting. I can't wait to see what Nina asks of Pete in return someday for payback. (insert creepy "mwa-ha-ha-ha!")
I really didn't get the point of the mouse having to explode underneath the sheets, but if the answer is for TPTB to save some money on Special FX, that's a good enough answer for me.
I missed it, but someone caught Observer at the swanky happy hour where Olivia confronted the evil doctor. That whole confrontation felt stilted to me, but I think that I'm just getting too negative about this ep. I really didn't like it too much, but we're still in the set-up stage of the overall mythology so some of the important details that need to be revealed for the long haul might still be getting planted into the episodes. The X-Files didn't get really gripping for me until the second season.
Something tells me that Broyles might not be as angry at Dunham as he seems to be. His admonishment might be mostly a CYA maneuver, such as A.D Skinner used to pull on Mulder and Scully ("I specifically told them NOT to go!"), while giving them the old side wink. But I could be wrong. I really do love his office though.
We didn't get a visitation from John Scott this ep, but that's a good thing as it would have been too predictable. Unless that card pushed under the door was really from him. I don't know what to think of Dunham's creepy father story, but can you explain to me how it is that an FBI agent with her uber-connections can't track down a deadbeat dad? Seriously.
Overall this episode seemed low-key like last week's, but the science du-jour was thought provoking. And I was intrigued by the scenes revealing how an altruistic physician's compromises evolved into evil purposes via utilization by the wrong people. I'm sure that happens quite a bit in real life. BTW, be sure to check out the easter-egg section of FringeTelevision, they've posted some great ones for this week. Also, all my images here are from their screencap gallery, as Fox is not really putting much effort into keeping up with theirs.
I actually liked this one. Still don't care for Olivia - and I think JJ has a wierd obsession with women killing their fathers - but the episode I liked.
If we could just have Walter and Pete and maybe Asterisk, that would work for me.
Not one of my favorite episodes. I guess we do have start to get the back story of Olivia, and it is creepy that her step dad knows where she lives.
You're right, Capcom, that Hazmat suits everywhere except in the Harvard lab! LOL
Has next episode's clue been found yet? No new episodes for 2 weeks (which is good since I'm on a cruise next week!).
I liked this ep better than last week's, but not as much as The Arrival. I just thought that the lead-in scene took a long time to get to the point. And I also think that I'm being overly critical. :-)
Heheh, Asterisk. X-D I take it that she ended up forgiving Walter for jabbing her with the needle, then.
Some people on FringeTV are thinking that perhaps the street sign that said Wolcott, or the Gerber name on the ambulance, might be the name clues for the next ep. Also, a symbol on the kayak in Olivia's dream is a lapel pin on the bad doc's jacket.
Since we don't have any new eps for a while, I might read through all the Popular Science articles about Fringe science and condense them in a post. I haven't commented much on the science here, because I don't know anything about most of the things that they are broaching in this show! I thought that I was pretty well educated in the para-science fringes, but apparently not, unless TPTB are just making all this stuff up new.
I just decided to suspend all disbelief when watching this show. They are forever sending people into biohazard situations with no protection - as well as radiation and chemical hazards. And they send their agents out against advanced weapons without arming them properly or giving them backup.
You just have to go with it I think. I just watch to enjoy Walter being kooky and Peter being charming. And Nina being sinister. And the black guy being suspicious. . .
You're right! X-D
Now, if I can just stop trying to recast Olivia. . .
This week I was thinking Evangeline Lilly or Amanda Tapping. . .LOL
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