This week we get a softer, more tolerant Peter who is coming to terms with helping Walter cope with his life. "Power Hungry" takes another stock SciFi theme and puts the Fringe spin on it, when frumpy Joe Schmoe has self-esteem problems that get acted out via involuntary electrical impulses that wreck havoc with his surroundings...just the kind of guy that normal single women try to avoid in life. :-) I like the actor who plays Joe, he played a cute and gentle college guy in "Mona Lisa Smile", and he's good here as Electro Joe. His travails are not as gory as the victims in previous eps, but he does get the electrodes in the head which seems to be a favorite for this show! He is, of course, another experimental victim gone haywire, but via an odd avenue.
I really like Olivia's partner, I hope that he isn't on the wrong side of the law, I'll be disappointed. Everyone needs a well-grounded friend like that. He gives her a sincere pep-talk about dealing with Scott's betrayal and death, but Scott comes around again later to try to explain things to her on his own. I'm not sure how I feel about all that yet, to me that's more way out there than the kooky science, but we'll see how it plays out. Walter says that Scott's brainwaves are in her head since they were connected up (with electrodes in the head!), but I suspect something weirder. Maybe now that they're connected, and his brain is being kept animated for downloading, something's going on there in the ether between their heads. This may make Olivia an honorary member of The Pattern, in the way that Scully became physically entrenched in the alien/consortium plans in the X-Files.
We also see the Observer briefly again, this time quickly darting out of the elevator that Joe gets into before he unwittingly slams it to the ground full of people and himself. Joe walks away unharmed of course, something about the EMF holding him hovered in the center of the elevator car. Walter does a weird thing with Olivia's necklace to explain it, which seemed kind of hard to believe also, just because it wasn't floating when she was wearing it so why did it float after Walter started playing with it? I'm open to suggestions.

Not as good as 1.4, but an enjoyable episode.
I don't like Olivia's FBI friend. The guy looks like he needs some Philips Milk of Magnesia if you get my drift. I'm also not a huge fan of how sloppy the procedural aspects of the show are. Are there secrets or not? Not when it would slow down the case du jour. I also wish they'd throw us some little Easter Egg like a security camera screengab of The Observer in the background just so I felt like they were covering all the bases.
My favorite scene of the episode was Walter's wool sock usage, but I could have done without the high gore level, especially with boss dude's arm. I wish they'd tone done the gruesome factor.
I'm not sure what to make of Olivia's communication with John. I think everything we've seen revealed to her so far are things he would have known before his death, so I like the idea that she's just tapping into them now as needed. It's kind of like Peter knowing what Walter did with that thing in the last episode even though he didn't know he knew it.
Tone down, not tone done.
Heheh, yeah, Charlie's a little stiff.
I would really not mind if TPTB didn't ever-so-neatly wrap up a mystery in one episode, if it would mean more believability in the analytical aspects. And I'm not sure I understand why Charlie is now privy to the Pattern crimes. I thought that he was just a regular agent, and not in Broyles group.
Right! I should have used "Wool socks!" for the quote of the week! :-D
Hmm, that's interesting what you say about Olivia's visions being like Peter's not knowing/knowing.
I didn't think that this ep was up to par with the others either. And I was a little disappointed in the typical SciFi subject for the Tech Du Jour.
I didn't make it through this one. Saw The Observer coming off the elevator just before the electric guy got on. Watched maybe a third of it.
I assume Walter magically deduced who the electric guy was and they stopped him in the nick of time.
Walter dancing around in his wool socks was hilarious though.
Heehee, I love your take on things. X-D I think that we could say that Broyles was kind of the person who figured which way this one would go, although of course Waltie had lots to say about the theoretical aspects, as usual, and he came up with the way to find Joe.
Yeah, I didn't quite know what Walter was doing at first while trotting around like that, until he zapped Pete in the head, heheh!
P.S. Nice avi, I forgot to say that. :-)
I thought he was waltzing or something at first and I couldn't help but laugh. Then when he zapped the guy's head I just rolled.
They need more of him and lots less Olivia.
Is Charlie the mopey navel gazing fellow that Olivia whines to?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Charlie is the name of her partner.
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi! *waves*...I love this blog, Capcom!
I, too, loved the scene with Walter and his wool socks...he's such a great crazy scientist, huh?!! I think Walter definitely makes the show.
Hi Ellen! Thanks for stopping by.
He sure does. I'm wondering, if it wasn't for Walter, would I even like the show as much as I do? :-o
I'll have a post on the new episode up soon, but I guess that there's no hurry since we have a month until the next new ep.
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