Okay so, Mulder and Scully are investigating this spiky werewolf on a crashed plane and.....j/k, heheh. But the idea of this mutation doesn't seem possible to me. Less possible than say, Flukeman or Stretch-Armstrong-Tooms on the X-Files? I dunno. I guess I'll just go with it and try not to analyze how an instantaneous morphing into such a beast with all that spiky back-hair could happen like that.
** Wow, Broyles and Nina told Dunham a lot of what she deserved to know in this episode, which I thought was great. It was good to see Nina back also.
** Wow, Dunham told Charlie a lot of what he deserved to know about her tank adventures with Scott -- and he believed her!
** For Lost fans, Walter is Dunham's "constant" while she is in the tank (while she grosses herself out with No-Tell-Motel memories of herself and Scott).
** Sometime soon Dunham needs to tell Walter that Scott's brain was being kept alive so that he can keep the proper notes on what is going on with her in the tank. I think that he'd find it very interesting, and it would help him understand why she was able to interact with Scott in the present, when he keeps telling her that isn't supposed to happen.
** I couldn't believe that they didn't keep Hicks in a cage at the Harvard lab in case he began to morph again, how dumb is that? The lack of safety in that lab is unbelievable, but I'm told that's common at colleges. Although why would the FBI allow a subject with a potential werewolf virus go back out into the public? And of course he did re-morph in the lab, and they weren't ready with the tranq-gun. Tsk, tsk.
** I like Peter more and more every week. Broyles too.
** "John Scott says 'Hi!'"....just like Libby (more for Lost fans). :-)
** I like that Torv doesn't mind getting messy looking when the story calls for it. We have to give her points for playing Dunham in such an un-glamorous way so well.
** I guess that we won't see Scott any more, which is too bad. But it's good that he was exonerated in her eyes at least.
** On a side note, Dunham's sister is beginning to get on my nerves, but I'll wait to see if they do anything more with her character than have her whining at Dunham, and giving Pete the eye, before I get too crabby about it. :-)
Overall I liked this episode, not a lot, but enough. We got a bit more information about the bad guys behind some of the biological and chemical crimes. It was great to have Broyles and Nina give Dunham a mini tour of the MD areas of her need-to-know interests (and ours!), but I'd like to see more of that soon. Putting an end to Dunham's and Scott's cross-the-ether relationship was inevitable I suppose, but like I said, I'm sad to see Scott gone forever if he is.
Was nice to see Olivia finally get closure on her relationship with Scott.
Not too big on the creature of the weeks here lately - -a little grosser than I prefer.
Yes, me too, to both things. :-)
Was this the last one before the break or am I still one behind? I may actually have time to watch one today.
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