The Wiki Definition: "Radionics is the use of blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person as a focus in order to supposedly heal a patient from afar. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864-1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself. However, Abrams was never able to demonstrate that his devices were effective; no radionic device has been found effective in the diagnosis or treatment of any disease. Radionics is not based on any scientific evidence, and contradicts the principles of physics and biology. As a result, radionics is classed as a pseudoscience."
Legit technology or quackology? Having been through the horrors of conventional cancer treatment myself, I am very open to most natural means of healing and am practicing many. This seems a little too fringe for me though, for now. But since radionics doesn't involve contact with invasive metal probes of any kind, I might change my mind if my troubles recur and it's not cost prohibitive. :-)

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