"For two years now, the Ehrfurths have been enduring an annoying, persistent noise in their home — a low, motor-like rumble accompanied by a vibration. They can't figure out what's causing it, and it's been a challenge getting others to believe them because the problem starts and stops. "Imagine putting your pillow on the hood of a running car — you can't sleep through that,' Leona Ehrfurth said. 'You get this pressure in your ear. Sometimes I have to get out of the house, because I can't take it anymore.'"
http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080723/GPG0101/807230687/1207/GPG01This is similar to the X-Files episode (S6-E2) where the government was performing an ELF communications system application near a housing area in Nevada. The low-level noise was causing the inner ears of humans and animals to explode. Annoying ELF noise has been reported for decades in various areas of the United States, including Taos, NM.

Your blog never ceases to amaze. For the past several years I've experienced this in my own home. Drives me nuts, mostly because I cannot find the source. I always assumed it was from some electrically powered device in the house resonating in some way. (refrigerator, transformer in the furnace, etc.) Not. I completely disconnected all electric power to the house, and the noise persists.
No one else in the house seems to hear it.... that is until recently when my wife finally admitted that she thought she heard a sound like a motorboat or something.
Makes me wonder if there's some secret facility operating underground nearby ? Weirder things have happened !!
Why, thanks! :-) Someone on that link to the story commented about having that problem and for them it turned out to be vibrating water pipes in their house, after the city changed the outgoing pressure or something like that. You might check into that too.
Of course, I don't rule out the govt plot by any means. They might be experimenting on your house, since you're on the govt books. ;-)
I'm gonna' have to do a complete do-over on this. I can check the pipes, though I will say I am on a well, so not sure how that affects things. But the big thing..... not sure if I've noticed the noise now that I'm in the new bedroom ( this would generally only be an issue at night when I was trying to sleep) I'll have to make note of it and see if I still hear the noise now that I'm sleeping in another part of the house. Lucky for me this has been a curiosity more than an annoyance. It was never anything that would grate on my nerves, or bring me to tears......
For a few years, we had news feeds on the Kokomo (Indiana) Hum. I've always been susceptible to vibrations, though sometimes I think it is more a barometer/ pressure in the ear thing. I share a trait with a few of my uncle in Kentucky, we cannot wear watches because they will keep the wrong time within days.
And I didn't know that there was a hum in Indiana as well. I have relatives in Valparaiso and Indianapolis, I wonder if they've heard of it.
Maybe if you ever visit Kentucky in the future I can meet you for coffee at a diner or something. Speaking of diners, I have not found one cool old diner here in Knoxville yet. :-(
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