A cancerous monkey virus in a new polio vaccine ... a particle accelerator for purification ... a scientist turns up dead and burned to a crisp with a missing arm.
"...the public health authorities were so fixed on the theory that the disease must be caused by a virus, that they ignored medical reports of severe cases of the disease being cured by the use of antitoxins..."
Thanks! :-) Work in progress.
Is this part of the game? Or something else. . .
No, this is for real. I just bought this book, but haven't started it yet, only skimmed it so far. The polio vaccine problem really happened, and many baby boomers got injected with tainted cancerous vaccines. :-(
I started this blog here before the show started so that I could get a decent blog name before they're all taken, just in case the show is good enough to talk about. :-) So, I'm just going to post actual freaky science things here until the show starts and there is something to talk about. Thanks for checking it out! :-D
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