Oh boy, we get some Philadelphia Experiment type action this week! Evil Agent Loeb is back in force and the head of a group of mercenaries who don't even know why they are doing what they're doing...cuz Loeb would have to kill them if he told them, even though he says that they just wouldn't understand. Suuuure. For some reason there is a time limit on the grid, and according to Walter later, that cloth (netting, as Walter calls it) is very important to the operation of the effect. I wonder why Loeb has such a vested personal interest in the release of Jones? It looked like he was just beside himself [to put it politely] to see Jones materialize! Is it the mere attraction of world domination? I guess whatever that answer is, is the key to the whole Pattern of anomalies that's happening. Something tells me that Mr. Observer will not be happy with his escape.

It wasn't too difficult to sense some things before they happened (why Jones needed a suit, sunscreen, and Dramamine, Nina wanting Dunham's brain, etc.) but it was still a great episode. And not too much on the "miraculous solving" side this time. But Mr. Constipated Agent, you do not get to yell at Walter anymore, got it? Walter's already forgotten more knowledge than you will ever know in your entire lifetime, so you give him some respect! :-p And speaking of Walter's knowledge, why doesn't Peter just hook up Walter's brain to some electronics and a TV monitor to figure out what he knows and what's going on? Oh well, I guess that would be too easy.